CLIENT: Bank of Georgia | TBC Bank | Silk Development
AREA: 22,000 M2
SCOPE: Lender  & Civil Works  Supervision

ABOUT PROJECT: LSG Solutions provides Lenders engineering for the 60 million euro hotel “Telegraph” of “Silk Development”, implemented with the financial support of the two largest banks in Georgia – TBC and Bank of Georgia. The high-class hotel will be built in the former post office building on Republic Square.

LSG Solutions provides “Telegraph” Lenders engineering service, which involves effective management of construction planning and implementation processes, expected risks, and project transparency. LSG Solutions will coordinate and supervise the effective use of the financial resources provided by TBC and the Bank of Georgia and, as a result, will make a significant contribution to the successful implementation of the project.

The winner of the tender for the reconstruction works of the “Telegraph” hotel is the international construction company with a high reputation – DNT Construction, together with which the “Silk Development” has a successful experience in the construction of Batumi Radisson Hotel. The design of the “Telegraph” hotel belongs to one of the outstanding modern architectural companies – Neri&Hu. The developed concept involves the arrangement of an energy-efficient, green hotel, which is one of the main characteristics of a modern, high-quality building. In November 2024, the Telegraph Hotel officially joined The Leading Hotels of The World (LHW).

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